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From Leads to Prospects: 10 Steps to Conversion

Picture this, you’re in the vast land of B2B trying to figure out who’s who and what’s what. I’m sure you came across the “leads” Vs. “prospects” thing and you might be wondering, “Aren’t they pretty much the same thing?” well, not quite! Think of them as the potential customers peeking into your store; leads show interest but haven’t committed, while prospects are those shoppers strolling through the aisles, thinking about making a purchase.

In this blog post, we’re breaking down the differences between leads and prospects, digging into what makes them unique, and guiding you on how to convert a lead into a prospect.

Lead Vs. Prospect


A lead is an individual who has shown interest in your product or service. In the business and marketing context, a lead typically refers to someone who has shared their contact details or taken specific actions indicating their potential interest in what a business offers. This can occur through diverse channels, such as online forms, website interactions, social media engagement, email subscriptions, and more.


In simpler terms, a lead is someone who might need your service and is in the very early stages of the sales funnel which means the degree of interest or involvement demonstrated by them can range from a general inquiry to a signal of intent to make a purchase and the only way to find out is by contacting with them further. 

Different types of leads

  • Cold leads: These people haven’t shown much or any interest in what you offer. They’re just starting to explore the idea of buying and might not know much about your brand yet.
  • Warm leads: people who have expressed some interest in your offerings but haven’t reached the point of being fully engaged or ready to make a purchase. They may have subscribed to your newsletter or engaged with your content.
  • Inbound leads: People who come to you naturally through your marketing efforts. They might find your website through search engines, social media, or other content you’ve created.
  • Outbound leads: Leads who you reach out to through cold calling, email campaigns, or targeted advertisement.
  • MQLs (Marketing Qualified Leads): Leads that the marketing team has identified as more likely to become customers based on their behavior, demographics, or other criteria. These leads are passed to the sales team for further nurturing.
  • Referral leads: They come from existing customers who recommend your product or service to others. These leads often come with a higher level of trust.


A prospect is a potential customer who has moved beyond the initial stage of expressing interest (as a lead) and is now considered more likely to become a paying customer. Unlike leads, prospects have demonstrated a higher level of engagement and are often further along in the buyer’s journey. They may have taken specific actions or shown more serious interest in a product or service.

Leads or Prospects: What Makes Them Different?

Now that we’ve got a handle on a lead and a prospect, let’s see how they’re not quite the same. Knowing this is important because it helps us figure out the best way to help them become customers. It’s like having different plans for playing different games.

A lead is like a first meeting; you’re still getting to know each other. It’s not a strong connection yet. On the other hand, prospects are a bit more involved. They’ve already talked to your team, and maybe even checked out some of your stuff. They’re close to becoming a real chance for a sale.

Even though they might seem pretty similar, each one needs its special plan to make them decide to buy. It’s like having a special guide for each, making sure we help them in the best way possible.

How to convert a lead into a prospect?

Turning someone who’s just curious into someone ready to buy is about building relationships and understanding their needs. 


It’s like finding out about the things that bother them, what solutions they’re looking for, and if what you offer can be helpful.


This is the time to really check if you match well. The important thing is to keep talking and growing that relationship during this thinking-about-it stage. Here’s a simple guide to doing that:

1. Get to know your leads:

Gather as much information as you can about that person; their pain points, their challenges, the things they prefer, and anything they tell you. The more you know about them, the better you can talk to them and tailor something that suits them and eventually move them to the next step.


2. Categorize them:

Put your leads in groups based on their engagement and the information they’ve provided you. This helps you to craft targeted, personalized strategies. 


3.Utilize targeted content:

Provide them with valuable and relevant content that directly addresses their interests and concerns. This could be in the form of blog posts, case studies, or other materials that showcase the benefits of your product or service.


4.Personalize communication: 

Customize your communication to fit the lead’s specific needs and preferences; use their name, reference the previous interactions, and show them that you understand their challenges. 


5. Engage through multiple channels:

Don’t just talk in one place; reach out through multiple channels. Send emails, share things on social media, or talk to them directly. Showing up in different places means that you’re always there and that you’ll be noticed more.


6. Provide value:

Continuously deliver value through the information you share. Whether it’s educational content, tips, or exclusive insights, position yourself as a helpful resource rather than just focusing on making a sale.


7. Address concerns and objections:

Listen to your lead carefully, and share things that help them, not just things to buy. Be a buddy first. If they have questions or worries, be ready to help with answers that make sense to them. 


8. Offer demonstrations or trials:

If you can, let them try your stuff; a free trial or a small taste. This way, they can see for themselves why your thing is awesome.


9. Encourage two-way communication:

Don’t stop talking, keep it going. Encourage your leads to share their thoughts, questions, and feedback with you. As a result, not only will this enhance your understanding of their needs but also will strengthen the ongoing business relationship.


10. Set clear next steps:

Lead them through straightforward and sensible steps in the sales process. This could involve setting up a demo, planning a chat, or offering extra help. Clearly explain the next moves and how they help the lead.

Mastering The Art of Conversion

Understanding the difference between a lead and a prospect is your guiding light through the path to conversion. By following these 10 proven ways, you’ll be able to create a powerful strategy that will pave the way for more conversions. And remember, it’s all about building connections and meaningful business relationships.